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Mon - Friday: 8 AM - 6 PM
Sat: 8 AM - 2 PM

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(02) 8764 6969

Online Booking

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Opening Hours

Mon - Friday: 8 AM - 6 PM
Sat: 8 AM - 2 PM

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(02) 8764 6969

Online Booking

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Opening Hours

Mon - Friday: 8 AM - 6 PM
Sat: 8 AM - 2 PM

Unlocking Your Potential with Every Movement

Welcome to Move 360 Allied Health, where we believe in providing comprehensive and high-quality health care services to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

What do we offer?

At Move 360 Allied Health, we take great pride in the quality and expertise of our team of professionals. Our staff includes highly trained and experienced Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists, Chiropractors and Hijama Therapists, who are committed to delivering the highest standards of care to our clients.


At Move 360 Allied Health, we pride ourselves on the exceptional quality of care delivered by our team of Physiotherapy experts. Our Physiotherapists are highly trained and experienced professionals who specialize in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions.

Using the latest evidence-based techniques, our Physiotherapists are able to develop customized treatment plans that are tailored to each client’s unique needs and goals. Whether you are recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or seeking to improve your athletic performance, our team will work with you to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and help you get back to your daily activities as quickly as possible

Hijama Therapy

At Move 360 Allied Health, our Hijama Therapy service offers a traditional healing technique that has been used for centuries to promote health and wellness. Our highly trained and experienced Hijama Therapist uses cups to create a suction effect on your skin, which can help alleviate a range of conditions, such as migraines, back pain, and menstrual cramps.

In addition to its therapeutic benefits, Hijama Therapy is also known to improve blood circulation, boost the immune system, and reduce stress and anxiety. Our therapist takes a personalized approach to care, tailoring each session to your individual needs and goals to ensure the best possible outcomes

Ready to start your health journey?

Call (02) 8764 6969 to start your journey today!

Exercise Physiology

At Move 360 Allied Health, our Exercise Physiologists are dedicated to helping our clients achieve optimal health and wellness through the development of customized exercise programs. With years of specialized training and experience, our Exercise Physiologists have a deep understanding of the body’s physiological responses to exercise, and are able to design safe and effective programs that are tailored to each client’s unique needs and goals.

Whether you are recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or simply looking to improve your fitness level, our Exercise Physiologists can work with you to develop a program that is tailored to your specific requirements. Using the latest evidence-based techniques and tools, we will help you achieve your goals in a safe and effective manner.


At Move 360 Allied Health, our chiropractors address imbalances in the body that may be affecting your overall health and well-being. Our highly trained and experienced chiropractors use a holistic approach that considers your entire body, mind, and lifestyle to develop personalized treatment plans that are tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Through the use of a variety of natural therapies and techniques, including spinal adjustments, massage, and nutritional counseling, our chiropractors can help you manage chronic conditions, improve your energy and mood, and enhance your overall quality of life. By taking a comprehensive approach to care, we can help you achieve optimal health and wellness in a safe and effective manner.

Our Services

Transforming Pain into Power with Personalized Care.

Move360 Allied Health

Industry Leading, Evidence-Based Quality
Allied Health Care.